Alfi'S Expressions

Happy to share my feelings

Tur Sepeda Keliling Semenanjung Malaysia

Hampir dua bulan lalu, setelah pulang dari Tur Sepeda Sehat Keliling Jawa Madura 2000 km, ada tantangan baru: Tur Sepeda Keliling Semenanjung Malaysia!

(lanjutkan nanti deh, sibuk sertifikasi)

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3 Responses to “Tur Sepeda Keliling Semenanjung Malaysia”

  1. Thanks gan informasinya, sangat berguna sekali. Ada peluang bisnis online baru neh gan dan lagi booming. Bisa menghasilkan 900 ribu perhari, bisa langsung di cek ke tkp.

  2. Thanks gan informasinya, salam kenal ya..

  3. Thank you for the nice post. It was extremely useful for me. keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was truly what I was seeking, and I am truly satisfied I was here! Hi and thanks for sharing such information with us.

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